Japanese manga series Made in Abyss is returning for the second season of the anime adaptation. Since ending its first season on September 29, 2017, the series has released three films hitting the theatres. Finally, after two years since the third film, it is gearing up for the second season.
Check out the release date, trailer, and plot of the Season 2 of Made in Abyss.
When Is The Release Date Of Made in Abyss Season 2?
The TV anime series Made in Abyss is making a full return. In Japan, the first episode will be released on June 6, 2022.
Earlier on June 3, the series dropped the third trailer for the second season. The anime series also made an announcement on its official Twitter that the second season is titled Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun.
For the opening track, the second season uses Riko Azuna’s Katachi, and the ending song is Endless Embrace by Japanese pop-rock band, Myth & Roid.
What Is The Story/Plot?
Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun continues to tell the story of what’s left in the first season and the continuation of the movie version. It will cover the adventure of characters like Reg, Riko, and Nanachi venturing across The Capital of the Unreturned.
The first film, Made in Abyss: Journey’s Dawn, released on January 4, 2019, consisted of the compilation of episodes one through episode eight.
On the other hand, the second movie, titled Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight, covered the story from episodes nine through 13. It was released on January 18, 2019.
The third film, Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul, released on January 17, 2020, broke the trend of the compilation of episodes. Instead, it covered the story of Ren, Reg, and their friend who ventured to the Sea of Corpses.
While the exact number of episodes for the second season hasn’t been confirmed yet, the first season has 13 episodes. So it is expected that the upcoming anime adaptation will follow this route having around 10 to 13 episodes.
Who Are The Cast Members?
Made in Abyss is based on the manga artist Akihito Tsukushi. It was directed by Masayuki Kojima. Meanwhile, Sentai Filmworks has licensed the second season of Made in Abyss in addition to two of its films.
The main cast members include Miyu Tomita as Riko, Mariya Ise as Reg, and Shiori Izawa as Nanachi respectively. Other cast members are Misaki Kuno playing Faputa, Yuka Terasaki as Vueko, Mitsuki Saiga as Belaf, and Hiroaki Hirata as Wazukyan.
While the first season premiered on Amazon Prime, the second season is expected to premiere on HIDIVE. The first season and the three theatrical movies are also available on HIDIVE.