One Piece: Straw Hat Pirates Bounties Post Wano

One Piece straw hat pirates bounties

The most-anticipated Straw Hat Pirates bounties have finally been revealed. In the post-Wano arc, the total bounties of the Straw Hat Pirates equal a whooping ฿8,806,001,000 Berries.

The manga of One Piece finally unveiled the newest bounties of Straw Hat Pirates in Chapter 1058. Along with the Straw Hat Pirates, the Cross Guild members’ bounty was revealed as Mihawk: ฿3,590,000,000 berries, Buggy: ฿3,189,000,000 berries, and Crocodile: ฿1,965,000,000 berries.

All About Straw Hat Pirates Bounties:

Here are all the details regarding the bounties of Straw Hat pirates post-Wano arc.

1. Luffy — (Bounty: ฿3,000,000,000 berries)

Straw hat pirates bounties: Captain Money D. Luffy bounty

Monkey D. Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hat pirates and one of the four Yonkos. His current bounty is ฿3,000,000,000 berries. He received his seventh bounty after defeating one of the Four Emperors, Kaido.

Here is the summary of Luffy’s previous bounties.

First Bounty — ฿30,000,000 berries: Following the events of East Blue, his first bounty was revealed to be ฿30,000,000 berries. He defeated top pirates like Buggy, Don Kreig, and Arlong.

Second Bounty — ฿100,000,000 berries: Due to defeating Crocodile, one of the seven warlords in the Arabasta arc, his bounty was increased to ฿100,000,000 berries.

Third Bounty — ฿300,000,000 berries: Luffy gained the bounty of ฿300,000,000 berries following the events of Enies Lobby. He declared war with the World Government and defeated one of the top leaders of CP9, Rob Lucci. He even survived the Buster Call, the ultimate military attack assigned by the government.

Fourth Bounty — ฿400,000,000 berries: His bounty of ฿400,000,000 berries was assigned due to several events. He defeated one of the seven warlords, Gekko Moria, punched the face of one of the World Novels, Saint Charlos, rescued the prisoners out of Impel Down, and rang the Ox Bell 16 times. He was also revealed to be the grandson of marine vice-admiral Monkey D. Garp and the son of the Revolutionary Dragon.

Fifth Bounty — ฿500,000,000 berries: He defeated one of the seven warlords Donquixote Doflamingo, and allied with the Heart Pirates. Due to these events, his bounty was increased to ฿500,000,000 berries.

Sixth Bounty — ฿1500,000,000 berries: He invaded one of the four Yonko, Big Mom territory, and defeated the top commanders like Cracker and Katakuri, for which he gained the bounty of ฿1500,000,000 berries for the sixth time.

2. Zoro — (Bounty: ฿1,101,000,000 berries)

Zoro, Jinbe, and Sanji bounty

Roronoa Zoro is the swordsman and is considered the first mate of the Straw Hat Pirates. Due to him being a notorious pirate and defeating King, one of the top fighters of the Beast Pirates, he gained the bounty of ฿1,101,000,000 berries.

Here is the summary of Zoro’s previous bounties.

First Bounty ฿60,000,000 berries: He gained the first bounty of ฿60,000,000 berries for defeating 100 bounty hunters in Whiskey Peak and Crocodile’s subordinate Daz Bonez in the Arabasta Arc.

Second Bounty — ฿120,000,000 berries: His bounty was increased to ฿120,000,000 berries after the Enies Lobby, in which he defeated CP9 member Kaku. In addition to the increase in his bounty, Zoro was recognized as one of the members of the Worst Generation.

Third Bounty — ฿320,000,000 berries: In the Dressrosa Arc, he defeated Doflamingo’s subordinate Pica, for which his bounty was increased to ฿320,000,000 berries for the third time.

3. Jinbe — (Bounty: ฿1,100,000,000 berries)

Jinbe is the helmsman of the Straw Hat pirates who officially joined the crew in the Wano Arc. He defeated one of the Tobiroppo of the Beast Pirates, Who’s-Who, and gained the bounty of ฿1,100,000,000 berries.

Here is the summary of Jinbe’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿76,000,000 berries: As one of the members of Sun Pirates, where Fisher Tiger was his captain, he gained his first bounty of ฿76,000,000 berries.

Second Bounty — ฿250,000,000 berries: The second bounty of ฿250,000,000 berries was assigned to Jinbe after being the new captain of Sun Pirates. His bounty was frozen due to being the Warlord of the Sea.

Third Bounty — ฿438,000,000 berries: Jinbe’s bounty saw an increment of ฿438,000,000 berries after he resigned from the position of the Warlord. He broke out from the prison in Impel Down and helped Luffy rescue Portgas D. Ace during the Marineford Arc.

4. Sanji — (Bounty: ฿1,032,000,000 berries)

Vinsmoke Sanji is the cook and one of the top fighters of the Straw Hat pirates. Following the events of the Wano Arc, in which he defeated one of the top fighters of the Beast Pirates, Queen, he gained a bounty of ฿1,032,000,000 berries.

Here is the summary of Sanji’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿77,000,000 berries: Following the events of Enies Lobby in which Sanji defeated Kaku of CP9, he gained his first bounty of ฿77,000,000 berries.

Second Bounty — ฿177,000,000 berries: His bounty was increased to ฿177,000,000 berries for his involvement with the Straw Hat pirates during the Dressrosa Arc. His bounty poster was changed to ‘Only Alive’ due to his affiliation with the Vinsmoke Family.

Third Bounty — ฿330,000,000 berries: Sanji’s bounty was increased to ฿330,000,000 berries and changed from ‘Only Alive’ to ‘Dead or Alive’ after fighting Big Mom pirates.

5. Robin — (Bounty: ฿930,000,000 berries)

Robin Bounty

Niko Robin is the archaeologist of the Straw Hat pirates. She can read Poneglyphs, the ancient script needed to reach Laugh Tale. She defeated Black Maria, one of the Tobiroppo of the Beast Pirates, and gained the bounty of ฿930,000,000 berries.

Here is the summary of Robin’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿79,000,000 berries: Robin was just eight years old when she gained the first bounty of ฿79,000,000 berries. She was the survivor of the tragedy of Ohara in which the marine attacked the island to wipe out the scholars of Ohara.

Second Bounty — ฿80,000,000 berries: Her bounty was increased to ฿80,000,000 berries for her involvement with the Straw Hat pirates during the Enies Lobby Arc.

Third Bounty — ฿130,000,000 berries: She gained the bounty of ฿130,000,000 berries for the third time as she was involved with the Straw Hat pirates in Dressrosa Arc.

6. Usopp — (Bounty: ฿500,000,000 berries)

Ussop Bounty

Usopp is known for his sharpshooting skills and is the sniper of the Straw Hat pirates. As one of the crewmates of the Yonko, his bounty was increased to ฿500,000,000 berries following the events of the Wano arc.

Here is the summary of Ussop’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿30,000,000 berries: Ussop gained his first bounty of ฿30,000,000 berries following the events of Enies Lobby. He was disguised as Sogeking, resulting in the marines assigning his bounty in Sogeking’s name.

Second Bounty — ฿200,000,000 berries: His bounty saw an increase of ฿200,000,000 berries after the Dressrosa Arc. His name was also changed to ‘God Ussop’ as he defeated Sugar and rescued the enslaved peoples in Dressrosa.

7. Franky — (Bounty: ฿394,000,000 berries)

Franky Bounty

Franky is the shipwright of the Straw Hat pirates who constructed their ship, the Thousand Sunny. During the raid in Wano, he fought Onigashima Sasaki, and being one of the crewmates of the Yonko, his bounty was unveiled to be ฿394,000,000 berries. His wanted poster was replaced with their ship Thousand Sunny’s head.

Here is the summary of Franky’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿44,000,000 berries: Franky defeated CP9’s Fukurou in the Enies Lobby arc, involving himself with the Straw Hat pirates. It resulted in him gaining the first bounty of ฿44,000,000 berries.

Second Bounty — ฿94,000,000 berries: His second bounty of ฿94,000,000 berries was assigned after he defeated Donquixote Pirates member Senor Pink. His wanted poster was replaced with a photo of General Franky.

8. Brook — (Bounty: ฿383,000,000 berries)

Brook Bounty

Brook is the musician of the Straw Hat pirates and is renowned as a celebrity. During the Wano arc, he aided Nico Robin during her fight with Black Maria. As one of the crewmates of the Straw Hat pirates, his current bounty is ฿383,000,000 berries.

Here is the summary of Brook’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿33,000,000 berries: Brook was assigned the bounty of ฿33,000,000 berries as one of the members of Rumbar Pirates. While he was deemed dead, his bounty became active again after the World Government learned about his affiliation with the Straw Hat pirates during the Thriller Bark Arc.

Second Bounty — ฿83,000,000 berries: His bounty was increased to ฿83,000,000 berries following the Dressrosa Arc. His wanted poster was replaced with his concert photo and stage name ‘Soul King Brook.’

9. Nami — (Bounty: ฿366,000,000 berries)

Nami Bounty

Nami is the navigator of the Straw Hat pirates who possess advanced knowledge in navigation. During the events of Wano Country, she clashed with Ulti on multiple occasions. After the downfall of Kaido and the Beast Pirates, her bounty was unveiled to be ฿366,000,000 berries.

Here is the summary of Nami’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿16,000,000 berries: She gained the bounty of ฿16,000,000 berries for defeating CP9’s Kalifa during the Enies Lobby.

Second Bounty — ฿66,000,000 berries: Her bounty was increased to ฿66,000,000 berries for her affiliation with the Straw Hat pirates following the Dressrosa Arc.

10. Chopper — (Bounty: ฿1,000 berries)

Chopper Bounty

Tony Tony Chopper is the doctor of the Straw Hat pirates. Despite being a fighter himself and possessing advanced knowledge in the medical field, the World Government considers him to be no threat and the pet of the Straw Hat pirates. Due to that, his bounty was raised to be ฿1,000 berries post-Wano arc.

Here is the summary of Chopper’s previous bounties:

First Bounty — ฿50 berries: Chopper was mistaken to be a pet of Straw Hat Pirates by the World Government, which assigned him the bounty of only ฿50 berries following the Enies Lobby Arc. Despite defeating one of CP9’s members, Kumadori, the World Government didn’t recognize Chopper due to his Monster point.

Second Bounty — ฿100 berries: His bounty was increased to ฿100 berries for the second time for his affiliation with the Straw Hat pirates following the Dressrosa events.

Updated on Last Updated: September 12, 2022
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